Republican governors back Walker
Republican governors back Walker
CNN's Gabriella Schwarz |
(CNN) - The Republican Governors Association is showing its support for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker with a new website amid extensive protests in the state.
The website, that launched Tuesday provides a forum for individuals to watch the governor's televised chat Tuesday and offer their support through links to his Facebook page and twitter account.In a statement, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, the association's vice chairman, thanked Walker for his leadership.
"Governor Scott Walker is taking the tough, but necessary, steps to balance the books in Wisconsin and get the state's fiscal house in order, and I applaud him for it," McDonnell said.
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, the group's policy chairman, said "It's good to know Governor Walker is watching out for the whole state, especially the people stuck with the bill: the taxpayers."
Tuesday marked the eighth day of protests in Madison over a bill proposed by the newly elected governor to address a $137 million budget shortfall. Walker is asking legislators to combat the shortfall by slashing collective bargaining rights of Wisconsin public employees. Opponents say the proposed legislation is an attack on workers' rights.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal encouraged Walker to "stand tall and fight for the taxpayers," in the Republican Governor's Association statement.
"While government-sector unions and powerful Democrats in Washington may prefer to keep the status quo in Madison, the need for reform is real," Jindal said.
Republican governors back Walker