I am totally opposed to tax breaks to millionair
es and billionair
es; please stand with Senator Bernie Sanders to filibuster the President’
s deal with the Republican
s. This is a bad deal and this will widen the gap between “THE RICH And THE POOR“, this will increase the national debt by 1 Trillion, and some states could go bankrupt. We’ll need to borrow 400 Billion from China who already own us. We’ll need to cut the safety net to pay for this welfare to millionair
es and billionair
es this will kill jobs. I am done with Obama; and I am done with any Democrat who votes yes on this irresponsi
ble tax deal. Finally, cutting Social Security Taxes by 2% is unacceptab
le. What’s next privatizin
g Social Security? Where does this end up? Killing this program altogether
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost