
Showing posts from December, 2010

Oil Monoploy Gauging Us

Today in America 50% of the White have $67,000 in total assets, the Hispanic $8,000 in total assets, and the Blacks $5,000; while 1% of the population owns 90% of all the wealth in America. How can America prosper with such inequality. The Oil Industry Is Gauging Us

Fix the Senate Now | Sign the Petition Now

The current rules that govern the Senate are hurting our democracy.Obscure rules like secret holds and filibusters allow individual Senators to hold the nation's work hostage while cutting backroom deals. They give preference to the special interests that fund and further their careers.In order for our legislative branch to once again become part of a functioning democracy, the Senate’s rules must be updated. Let the Senate know that national interest comes before self-interest. Join us and sign the petition to Fix the Senate Now. Fix the Senate Now | Sign the Petition Now Blogged with the Flock Browser

John G. Roberts Jr. News - The New York Times

John G. Roberts Jr. was originally nominated by President George W. Bush in 2005 to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court succeeding Sandra Day O'Connor, who was retiring. But the sudden death of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist that September prompted the president to name Mr. Roberts to the chief justice's position. He was confirmed by a vote of 78 to 22 after an uneventful confirmation hearing, in which Mr. Roberts stressed his philosophy of judicial modesty and respect for precedent. John G. Roberts Jr. News - The New York Times Blogged with the Flock Browser

Voters Say Election Full of Misleading and False Information - World Public Opinion

Following the first election since the Supreme Court has struck down limits on election-related advertising, a new poll finds that 9 in 10 voters said that in the 2010 election they encountered information they believed was misleading or false, with 56% saying this occurred frequently. Fifty-four percent said that it had been more frequent than usual, while just three percent said it was less frequent than usual, according to the poll conducted by, based at the University of Maryland, and Knowledge Networks. Voters Say Election Full of Misleading and False Information - World Public Opinion Blogged with the Flock Browser

David Axelrod: No 'Major Changes' To Tax Cut Deal As Van Hollen Calls For Estate Tax Vote

What will the senior and disabled eat, and how are they going to pay their bills; they’ll need to move-in with relatives to share the facilities and the living expenses in order to survive. Senior and the disabled will need to (Eat Cat Food) to survive. They will need to live with their children because they won’t be able to afford rent. It will like it used to be when senior and the disabled lived in closets, and they were invisible. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Bernie Sanders Filibuster: Senator Stalls Tax Cut Deal

I am totally opposed to tax breaks to millionair ­es and billionair ­es; please stand with Senator Bernie Sanders to filibuster the President’ ­s deal with the Republican ­s. This is a bad deal and this will widen the gap between “THE RICH And THE POOR“, this will increase the national debt by 1 Trillion, and some states could go bankrupt. We’ll need to borrow 400 Billion from China who already own us. We’ll need to cut the safety net to pay for this welfare to millionair ­es and billionair ­es this will kill jobs. I am done with Obama; and I am done with any Democrat who votes yes on this irresponsi ­ble tax deal. Finally, cutting Social Security Taxes by 2% is unacceptab ­le. What’s next privatizin ­g Social Security? Where does this end up? Killing this program altogether ­. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Standoff with Obama makes villain out of Schumer

Has Obama become a trader turning his back on his own party; what will happen in 2012 when he’s up for reelection will the Democrats support him? Has Obama become a Republican? Money really changes people surrounding himself with “Wall Streeters” has really changed him. Standoff with Obama makes villain out of Schumer Blogged with the Flock Browser

Senator: Fed's priorities misplaced

Senator: Fed's priorities misplaced

Bush-era tax cuts: House OKs extension of tax cut -

The measure would extend tax cuts for those who make less than $250,000 a year. Republicans, who want the lower rates for all income levels, vote against the measure. Meanwhile, a bipartisan group is working on a compromise. Bush-era tax cuts: House OKs extension of tax cut - Blogged with the Flock Browser