Big Oil Making America A Third World Country

The Senate votes later today on whether to continue giving $2 billion in taxpayer handouts  to oil companies that do not need them. This evening's vote on whether to end some of the subsidies for the five biggest oil companies comes one week after CEOs failed to explain why the corporations raking in record profits should continue receiving $4 billion in tax breaks. The measure before the Senate would affect only half the subsidies for the big five firms. Still, this limp compromise is considered unlikely to attract enough votes to even proceed to a debate on the bill. Sen. Bernie Sanders last year called for the repeal of $35 billion in oil and gas industry tax breaks. His proposal would have devoted $25 billion and put $10 billion over 10 years into an Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program.  The vote last June 15 on Sanders' amendment was 35 to 61. At that time, 22 Democrats bucked the wishes of the White House and voted against the repeal.

End Big Oil Welfare


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